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I'm Erin 

It's all about believing in the impossible

I'm Erin

I am a life Transformation coach for women who are Stuck in a Rut and ready to get Unstuck!

This is My Story...

I've always loved working with people and was always eager to help others.  After getting an undergraduate degree in Psychology, I began working with young parents.  But...I wasn't a parent and had no clue what I was doing.  I worked there for five years, learned a shit-ton about what I didn't know and after repeating the phrase "well, no, I'm not a parent, but I've worked with many families..." I decided it was time to find something I felt more passionate about and more connected to.  

Erin with son

I had always loved the idea of working with children and it was this passion that pushed me in the direction of becoming a School Counselor.  I had found a great fit!  I loved being in the classroom and working with children to help them discover their true potential. I began teaching my students the power that their thoughts have on their lives.  I began teaching them that they are capable of whatever they choose to do, but it begins with their thoughts.

 It begins with the messages they tell themselves.  The more I taught my students these messages, the more they shared stories with me about amazing things that were happening in their lives.  Students would run up to me in class to tell me that the things they had put on their vision boards were happening!

The more I worked with children, who were wide-eyed and excited about their future, the more I wished there were adults who still felt the same way.  

What happened to our ability to dream BIG???


I needed to do something about this!  I discovered that there are SO many women out there living their lives by HABIT and NOT with INTENTION & PURPOSE!

I was one of them...

You see, I didn't know that more was possible...

I was feeling restless and a bit bored, I knew I wanted more, but I felt STUCK and wasn't sure what more meant to me.

It was during this time that I made the scary decision to invest in myself and hire a Life Coach.  At the time, I wasn't even clear on what a Life Coach did!

Through this process, I discovered that I WAS meant for more.  I COULD teach other women how to live their lives with intention, but I had to do it first.  

It was time to begin creating the life of my dreams...

But I was scared...

Starting a business was not in my original plan.  I had no idea what I was doing.  I didn't know where to begin...


And I kept asking the wrong question, like


 What if I fail?


I began asking different questions.

What if I succeed?  

What if I believed my dreams were possible?

You see, if I had given into the FEAR, I would not have pursued that DREAM.  Had I listened to the fear, rather than letting it guide me, I would have said "forget this...I'll stay where I am", even though it no longer excited me.  

I could be, do, or create whatever I wanted to.  

Our Universe is limitless and anything is possible with the right thinking.

It was through this process that I decided I wanted to share my message with others who FEEL STUCK.  I wanted to teach other women to feel EXCITED about their lives in the face of great change or struggle.  No matter your physical condition, your job situation, your finances or your relationships.  You have the POWER to choose your own path.   You just need help finding that power and using it!

Need help?  Book your free call below!

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