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I'm Erin

Mom of Teenage Boys
Dog Mom
School Counselor
Curriculum Creator
Life Coach & Presenter

How I Got Here
I had always loved the idea of working with children and it was this passion that pushed me in the direction of becoming a School Counselor. Being in the classroom and inspiring children discover their true potential is what lights me up. The thing with kids is they still dream BIG. My job is to keep that fire going...
Whether You think you can
or think you can't
You're Right
-Henry Ford

Thoughts are Power
I began teaching students the POWER their THOUGHTS have on their lives. They are capable of whatever they choose to do, but it begins with the messages they tell themselves. The more I taught my students these messages, the more they shared stories with me about AMAZING things that were happening in their lives.
Always Dream Big
The programs & curriculum I create are based on the BELIEF that we all have the POWER to CREATE our own future, to DREAM BIG, to LIVE IN THE MOMENT, and to communicate in a constructive, healthy and loving way. We are all responsible for our own happiness.

Things I'm grateful for
My family
My dog Oakley
My job
My jeep
Bow hunting
Rock climbing
The wilderness
Ben & Jerry's
You are
than you believe
than you
than you think
-Winnie the Pooh
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