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Living with Intention
You are capable of SO much more than you know. If only you could...
Feel ENERGIZED and EXCITED about getting out of bed, rather than dreading your day
STOP worrying about your "to do" list and learn how to just BE
Bring POSITIVE ENERGY into your work, your home and life
Discover how simple shifts in your thinking will lead to major life transformation!
Fabulous News!
You can and You will!
During this interactive workshop you will:
Discover HOW to make small shifts in your thinking to reduce anxiety and overwhelm
Find ways to manage your time that actually lead you to feel ENERGIZED and EXCITED about your daily activities
Do MORE of what you LOVE and LESS of what you DON'T
Engage in energy activities to understand the power of your thoughts
Learn how to use your thoughts to create major LIFE TRANSFORMATION
"Busy is a drug that a lot of people are addicted to"
-Rob Bell
What others have said...
Erin was amazing and inspirational!
Great speaker!
Now I can do anything!
Erin's energy was infectious!
Refreshing! Amazing way to end the day!
Hi! I'm Erin, a Life Transformation and Business Coach from Gravity Life Coaching. It is my mission to help individuals understand and embrace their own personal power, to create positive change.
I witness too many people unhappy in their work and home environments. It is my strong belief that this is not due to their current circumstances, but rather their own beliefs, thoughts and actions. We often waste energy focusing on the actions of others, energy that could be used working towards a solution.
Life doesn't have to be that way! My workshop is aimed at teaching individuals a new way. It helps them to discover a life that excites them and makes them feel alive, rather than living by habit and default!
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